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Data Aggregation

Data aggregation refers to the collection of data from multiple sources to bring all the data together into a common athenaeum for the purpose of reporting and/or analysis.

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL)

ETL is the short form of three database functions extract, transform and load. These three functions are combined together into one tool to place them from one to another database. Extract It is the process of reading data from a database. Transform It is the process of conversion of extracted data in the desired form […]


It is a graphical representation of analysis performed by the algorithms. This graphical report shows different color alerts to show the activity status. A green light is for the normal operations, a yellow light shows that there is some impact due to operation and a red light signifies that the operation has been stopped. This […]


Flume is defined as a reliable, distributed, and available service for aggregating, collecting, and transferring huge amount of data in HDFS. It is robust in nature. Flume architecture is flexible in nature, based on data streaming.

Data Scientist

Data Scientist is also a big data term that defines a big data career. A data scientist is a practitioner of data science. He is proficient in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and/or data visualization who establish data models and algorithms for complex problems to solve them.

Graph Database

A graph database is a group/collection of edges and nodes. A node typifies an entity i.e. business or individual whereas an edge typifies a relation or connection between nodes. You must remember the statement given by graph database experts – “If you can whiteboard it, you can graph it.”

Data Architecture and Design

In IT industry, Data architecture consists of models, policies standards or rules that control which data is aggregated, and how it is arranged, stored, integrated and brought to use in data systems. It has three phases Conceptual representation of business entities The logical representation of the relationships between business entities The physical construction of the […]

Grid Computing

Grid computing is a collection of computer resources for performing computing functions using resources from various domains or multiple distributed systems to reach a specific goal. A grid is designed to solve big problems to maintain the process flexibility. Grid computing is often used in scientific/marketing research, structural analysis, web services such as back-office infrastructures […]

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on degrees of truth instead of usual true/false (1 or 0) Boolean algebra.