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Impala is an open source MPP (massively parallel processing) SQL query engine which is used in computer cluster for running Apache Hadoop. Impala provides parallel database strategy to Hadoop so that user will be able to apply low-latency SQL queries on the data that is stored in Apache HBase and HDFS without any data transformation.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a computer science field that makes use of statistical strategies to provide the facility to “learn” with data on the computer. Machine learning is used for exploiting the opportunities hidden in big data.


Apache HBase is the Hadoop database which is an open source, scalable, versioned, distributed and big data store. Some features of HBase are Modular and linear scalability Easy to use Java APIs Configurable and automatic sharing of tables Extensible JIRB shell

Key Value Stores / Key Value Databases

Key value store or key-value database is a paradigm of data storage which is schemed for storing, managing, and retrieving a data structure. Records are stored in a data type of a programming language with a key attribute which identifies the record uniquely. That’s why there is no requirement of a fixed data model.

Load balancing

Load balancing is a tool which distributes the amount of workload between two or more computers over a computer network so that work gets completed in small time as all users desire to be served faster. It is the main reason for computer server clustering and it can be applied with software or hardware or […]

Linked Data

Linked data refers to the collection of interconnected datasets that can be shared or published on the web and collaborated with machines and users. It is highly structured, unlike big data. It is used in building Semantic Web in which a large amount of data is available in the standard format on the web.


Metadata is data about data. It is administrative, descriptive, and structural data that identifies the assets.

Location Analytics

Location analytics is the process of gaining insights from geographic component or location of business data. It is the visual effect of analyzing and interpreting the information which is portrayed by data and allows the user to connect location-related information with the dataset.


MongoDB is an open source and NoSQL document-oriented database program. It uses JSON documents to save data structures with an agile scheme known a MongoDB BSON format. It integrates data in applications very quickly and easily.