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Clickstream analytics

This deals with analyzing users’ online clicks as they are surfing through the web. Ever wondered why certain Google Ads keep following you even when switched websites etc? Big brother knows what you are clicking.

Big Data

Refers to the huge amounts of data that large businesses and other organizations collect and store. It might be unstructured text (streams of tweets) or structured quantitative data (transaction databases). In the 1990’s organizations began making efforts to extract useful information from this data. The challenges of big data lie mainly in the pre-analysis stage, […]

Predictive modeling

Used when you seek to predict a target (outcome) variable (feature) using records (cases) where the target is known. Statistical or machine learning models are “trained” using the known data, then applied to data where the outcome variable is unknown. Includes both classification (where the outcome is categorical, often binary) and prediction (where the outcome […]

Predictive analytics

Basically the same thing as predictive modeling, but less specific and technical. Often used to describe the field more generally.

Network Analytics

The science of describing and, especially, visualizing the connections among objects. The objects might be human, biological or physical. Graphical representation is a crucial part of the process; Wayne Zachary’s classic 1977 network diagram of a karate club reveals the centrality of two individuals, and presages the club’s subsequent split into two clubs. The key […]

Supervised Learning

Another synonym for predictive modeling.

Social Network Analytics

Network analytics applied to connections among humans. Recently it has come also to encompass the analysis of web sites and internet services like Facebook.

Unsupervised Learning

Data mining methods not involving the prediction of an outcome based on training models on data where the outcome is known. Unsupervised methods include cluster analysis, association rules, outlier detection, dimension reduction and more.

Web Analytics

Statistical or machine learning methods applied to web data such as page views, hits, clicks, and conversions (sales), generally with a view to learning what web presentations are most effective in achieving the organizational goal (usually sales). This goal might be to sell products and services on a site, to serve and sell advertising space, […]