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With the right visualizations, raw data can be put to use. Visualizations of course do not mean ordinary graphs or pie-charts. They mean complex graphs that can include many variables of data while still remaining understandable and readable.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the must-known big data terms. It is a new paradigm computing system which offers visualization of computing resources to run over the standard remote server for storing data and provides IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Cloud Computing provides IT resources such as Infrastructure, software, platform, database, storage and so on as […]

Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is the big data term related to the process of the grouping of objects similar to each other in the common group (cluster). It is done to understand the similarities and differences between them. It is the important task of exploratory data mining, and common strategies to analyze statistical data in various fields […]


Approximately 1000 Zettabytes, or 250 trillion DVD’s. The entire digital universe today is 1 Yottabyte and this will double every 18 months.


Apache Chukwa is an open source large-scale log collection system for monitoring large distributed systems. It is one of the common big data terms related to Hadoop. It is built on the top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and Map/Reduce framework. It inherits Hadoop’s robustness and scalability. Chukwa contains a powerful and flexible toolkit […]


High-performance Analytical Application – a software/hardware in-memory platform from SAP, designed for high volume data transactions and analytics.


Radio Frequency Identification; a type of sensor using wireless non-contact radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data. With Internet Of Things revolution, RFID tags can be embedded into every possible ‘thing’ to generate monumental amount of data that needs to be analyzed.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis involves the capture and tracking of opinions, emotions or feelings expressed by consumers in various types of interactions or documents, including social media, calls to customer service representatives, surveys and the like. Text analytics and natural language processing are typical activities within a process of sentiment analysis. The goal is to determine or […]


Fortunately, this term has similar definition of how we understand mashup in our daily lives. Essentially, mashup is a method of merging different datasets into a single application (Examples: Combining real estate listings with demographic data or geographic data). It’s really cool for visualization.