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Database administrator (DBA)

DBA is the big data term related to a role which includes capacity planning, configuration, database design, performance monitoring, migration, troubleshooting, security, backups and data recovery. DBA is responsible for maintaining and supporting the rectitude of content and structure of a database.

Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System is software that collects data and provides access to it in an organized layout. It creates and manages the database. DBMS provides programmers and users a well-organized process to create, update, retrieve, and manage data.

Data Model and Data Modelling

Data Model is a starting phase of a database designing and usually consists of attributes, entity types, integrity rules, relationships and definitions of objects. Data modeling is the process of creating a data model for an information system by using certain formal techniques. Data modeling is used to define and analyze the requirement of data […]


Approximately 1000 Exabytes or 1 billion terabytes

Columnar Database / Column-Oriented Database

A database that stores data column by column instead of the row is known as the column-oriented database.


In computer science and mathematics, an algorithm is an effective categorical specification of how to solve a complex problem and how to perform data analysis. It consists of multiple steps to apply operations on data in order to solve a particular problem.

Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)

Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) is the big data term that refers to a method of automatically identifying and collecting data objects through computing algorithm and then storing them in the computer. For example, radio frequency identification, bar codes, biometrics, optical character recognition, magnetic strips all include algorithms for identification of data objects captured.


Avro is data serialization framework and a remote procedure call developed for Hadoop’s project. It uses JSON to define protocols and data types and then serializes data in binary form. Avro provides both: Serialization format for persistent data AND Wire format for communication between Hadoop nodes and from customer programs to Hadoop services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The popular Big Data term, Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines. AI is the development of computer systems to perform tasks normally having human intelligence such as speech recognition, visual perception, decision making and language translators etc.