61 percent of businesses that recognize the effect of data and analytics on their core business practices say their companies either have not responded to these changes or have taken only ad hoc actions rather than developing a comprehensive, long-term strategy for analytics.
Source: McKinsey Analytics
- By 2025, IDC predicts that the total amount of digital data created worldwide will rise to 163 zettabytes, ballooned by the growing number of devices and sensors
- Nearly 50 percent of businesses say big data and analytics have fundamentally changed business practices in their sales and marketing departments.
- 26 percent of businesses say data and analytics have significantly changed the nature of industry-wide competition.
- 98 percent of sales representatives at construction companies that adopt analytics and geographic data reported dramatic decreases in their time frame for providing price quotes.
- 90% of enterprise analytics and business professionals currently say data and analytics are key to their organization’s digital transformation initiatives.
- The number of IT professionals using descriptive and predictive analytics grew from the mid-40th percentile to high 60th percentile between January 2018 and January 2019.
- 29 percent of investment professionals use expert networks to derive data.
- In 2025, the IoT data analyzed and used to change business processes will be as much as all of the data created in 2020.
- Big data ranks 20th across 33 key technologies when businesses were asked their top technologies and initiatives strategic to business intelligence.
- 79 percent of enterprise executives say that not embracing big data will cause companies to lose competitive position and risk extinction.