A Modern Data Foundation Spurs Advanced Analytics Expansion - Data Ideology

How did Data Ideology solve this organization’s challenges?


A regional healthcare payer’s data was severely siloed forcing data science and advanced analytics teams to spend more time on data wrangling than data analysis.


By utilize modern data technology solutions to properly integrate, manage and present the enterprise’s data, the organization’s data scientists will have the ability to conduct advance analytics using pre-groomed and tested, reliable data.


The data for a prominent health insurance organization was organized in relational databases that could not be easily merged together, this led the data science division to have to create complex methodology to join this data and spend excessive amounts of time on data manipulation. Overall, this led to a minimal amount of time being spent on analysis.

To make matters worse, data was stored in disparate systems, some with various levels of permissions, which led to difficulty in accessing all necessary data to do advanced analytics and posed risks of having users access too much data.


It was determined that by leveraging MarkLogic Data Hub the client could house all enterprise-data in a centralized location and nodes could be added when data volumes increased. Our team also decided to utilize the Snowflake Data Cloud Platform as an additional data layer for the user-friendly dimensional models with enhanced security capabilities and data governance features as well as the scalability to increase and decrease bandwidth based on user needs. Finally, the Snowflake models would be loaded to a Power BI server to allow for near real time data analysis by users with baked in security levels.


Data science groups now have the data they need in a format that does not require any grooming, and they can focus on advanced analytics instead of data management. At the same time, users now have the ability to combine data from all areas of the enterprise to present a comprehensive understanding of the organization from members to providers and networks. Data is now available on a near real time basis and set data privileges ensure that users only access the data they need for analysis.

We were also able to successfully integrate Snowflake and Power BI into a self-service reporting suite which has led to less of a reliance on IT Reporting teams and greater business buy in, because business users have autonomy and control over reports.

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